Handjobs Are Bleak Unless You Have Some Lube, Then They Can Be Pretty Decent, It Mainly Comes Down to Technique, I Guess

by J.D.A. Winslow

I am very hungover
you less so.

Everything is bleak
I will never have sex again.

I am tempted to ask for a handjob
I can't remember your name
I can't remember how I got here

I vomit

I vomit a thick yellow bile
I rest my chin on the cold ceramic bowl
I breath in the smell of your faeces, your urea and my sick

I can't remember your name
so I make vague, guttural noises at you
in between throwing up.

You are here too,
your chin on the other side of the toilet bowl
I move my chin to a cold patch

I wonder if the smell is more or less pleasant for you
my teeth feel as if they are going soft

you kiss me
and my teeth bend
and distort.

Your hands grasp my body,
that sort of gives way too,
my flesh is of a dough like consistency.

You suggest
I try getting in the oven
to solve it

you turn the gas on
I get in

You wave goodbye
I am gone.

J.D.A. Winslow can be Googled

1 comment:

  1. This Is My Favourite Thing On Happy Dog Mom Lit Journal So Far.
    Yes I Am Jack Gooding.
    What Of It?
